Session in collaboration with Veneto Region, Eurofishmarket, API and ADMV
The round table aims to promote a constructive dialogue between the protagonists of the fish supply chain, in particular with regard to the issues of sustainable and value-added fishing and aquaculture. From the producer to the distributor to HORECA to the world of research and the competent institutions, a discussion on the issues relating to the quality of fish products from both fishing and aquaculture, the short supply chain and sustainability. The event will be divided into two main moments: an initial presentation at the MASAF room with a round table and a tasting event, reserved for those who have booked, at the Veneto Region stand which will feature the VeNets project and the producers involved.
Valentina Tepedino, Eurofishmarket
Institutional greetings and introduction to the proceedings
Cristiano Corazzari, Councillor of the Veneto Region for Territory-Culture-Security-Migratory Flows-Hunting and Fishing
First part:
Sergio Tridente, Fish Buyer Maiora Spa SB Despar Centro Sud and Altasfera Cash&Carry
Alessandro Blason, Quality Manager and Quality Control Coordinator of Bofrost Italia
Kevin Benetti, Fish Sector Manager Selecta spa
Emanuela De Martino, Quality Control of Eurofish Napoli
Marinella Ferigo, President of the Italian Federation of Chefs of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Andrea Fabris, Director of the Italian Fish Farmers Association
Sara Nicolini, Veterinarian, Food Sector Manager for Compassion in Word Farming
Anna Cherubini, trout farmer
Representatives of the Veneto fish POs will speak protagonists of the VeNets project (see below)
Second part at the Veneto Region Stand (Pav.5 stand 12)
Presentation of the Ve.Nets project in the presence of the Councilor of the Veneto Region C. Corazzari and with the *speakers and the participation of the six **Organizations of Venetian Fish Producers: O.P. Consorzio Cooperative Pescatori del Polesine O.P. I Fasolari dell’Alto Adriatico O.P. Bivalvia O.P. Pilamare Cooperative O.P. Pila Cooperative O.P. San Marco di Chioggia Cooperative
13:30 – 15:00
The event continues for those who have booked at the Veneto Region stand and will be the occasion for a meeting with the press dedicated to the VeNets project